See our latest additions to our gym suite

WATTBIKE –  The accuracy, RRF (Real Ride Feel) Technology, and robust build quality have made the Wattbike the standard all other indoor bikes aspire to achieve.


TECHNOGYM EXCITE CLIMB –  will forever change the nature of stair climbing, making it easy for first-timers and challenging for advanced users

TECHOGYM PRONE LEG CURL – Designed for the most demanding users, the Prone Leg Curl works the hamstrings, safeguarding the lower back thanks to the ergonomic incline of the pad.

POWER RACKS X 2 – Users will benefit from multiple bar hooks to easily mount the barbell at the correct starting position, regardless of user height. Furthermore, bar catchers are easily adjustable for safety and usage in rack-pulls and shrugs.

FUNCTIONAL TRAINER – multi-purpose resistance equipment, fully adjustable for varied functions.